Community Hub
Connecting with Community
Sharing God’s Love

The Community Hub Mission Group includes the activities of
Leisure Time, Playgroup, The Hub and Welfare.
Through these activities, we are opening up our church to the local community as a welcoming,
supportive and friendly place of Christian hospitality.
The Hub
The Hub is a welcoming and friendly place for people of all ages.
The Hub is normally open on Tuesday from 10.00 am until 12.00 pm during school terms.
Anyone can come in and have a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.
This is a chance for you to come by yourself or bring a friend, enjoy some company, and spend some time talking with others.
Have some time out in a relaxed welcoming space.
If English is your second language, you are welcome to come and practice your English through informal conversation. It would be great to see you.
Five Special Morning Teas at The Hub are also held during the year supporting various community charities.
If you would like to be part of this outreach by volunteering to help on the Tuesday roster please contact the church office.
Leisure Time
Leisure Time is an inclusive and caring activity program that caters for isolated seniors within our community. We meet the first Monday of the month for a delicious afternoon tea from 2pm -3.30pm. We ask for a gold coin donation to cover costs. Leisure Time is entirely run by a wonderful team of volunteers, all with current police checks. The venue is easy to find and is accessible to wheelchairs. For those who live within the Glen Waverley area and no longer able to drive, transport can be arranged, to pick up and return to your home. We would be very happy to welcome you to Leisure Time. If you would like to enquire about joining the group, or about volunteering to help, please contact the church office.
Following an assessment, we are able to provide practical, spiritual and emotional support to those in our Church, and in the wider community, who seek our assistance.
Primarily, our focus is on the day to day living expenses and general independent functioning of individuals and families.
Those we assist are encouraged to access existing community resources including those within our Church.
Please contact the Church Office to make an appointment.
Glen Waverley Uniting Church Playgroup
Our Playgroup is run by a team of experienced volunteers who are familiar with the Uniting Church Safe Church requirements. We work within the ethos of the Uniting Church but all are welcome. Our mission is to provide a safe, welcoming place of Christian hospitality where children can interact and mothers can make new friends and find support. We are members of Playgroup Victoria and the Christian Playgroups Network.
Playgroup is held on Tuesday mornings during school terms.
Venue: Glen Waverley Uniting Church, Rooms 2 and 3, and the playground.
Times: 10 am – 12 noon No playgroups are held during school holidays or on public holidays.
Fees: $30 per term for one child, $35 per two or more children over the age of 12 months.
While at Playgroup, all children must be supervised by a parent or other carer for the entire time. Come along and have fun with outdoor play, simple craft activities, painting, indoor and outdoor toys, sandpit and a cubby house. Our focus is on providing an opportunity for mothers to play with their children and encourage them to explore the activities offered. We do not have a rigid structure for activities, but we do encourage children to sit down together for morning tea and to join in the singing time at the end of the session.
Enquiries: Please contact the Church Office.