Children & Families Ministry

Glen Waverley Uniting Church is a faith community where families can develop intergenerational relationships and explore their faith in a safe environment!
The family is the first place that children learn about faith, so at Glen Waverley Uniting Church we provide;
- a safe environment where all people are accepted for who they are,
- opportunities for families to be able to worship together,
- safe places for children and adults to ask questions and explore issues of faith,
- opportunities for life-long friendships to develop across generations,
- opportunities and encouragement for families to have a faith of action.
All our staff and volunteers who work with children have a current Working with Children Check.
A pre-youth group for children in grade 4, 5 and 6. Uthies meet fortnightly during school terms from 5.30pm until 7pm. Some of the fun we have are photo scavenger hunts, camp out night, movies, X Factor, Masterchef challenge, giant board games, Cluedo Mystery Night, and so much more! !
Each session is $2 and dinner is provided. !
We have Playgroups
9.15am Children’s Faith Development
It is important for families to have the opportunity to worship together. During the 9.15am worship we provide opportunities for children to explore the Christian faith through stories, questioning, craft and creativity. We have Sunday Squad for children from 4year old kinder through to year 8, with opportunities for leadership for teenagers. Younger children/toddlers are welcome to attend when accompanied by a parent/carer. Children spend the first 15 to 20 minutes in the worship centre and then go out with leaders. They are collected after worship from the activity rooms.