Youth & Young Adults

We have a lively and diverse Youth & Young Adults Ministry at GWUC we try to create ways to engage in the exploration, study, worship and action of Faith within our local and wider communities.
Our hopes are to make faith accessible & relevant in todays youth & young adult culture – experiential, interactive, creative and relationally based.
To teach about Jesus in a hands on approach -mission and discipleship.
To be missional not just attractional – go to meet youth & young people where they are.
To have a youth and young adult ministry that encourages and empowers individuals to explore their faith and purpose in a community environment of unconditional love.
- Fostering relationships
- Navigating our diverse world
- Inviting people on the journey
- Developing expressions of faith • Empowering the disempowered • Unleashing creativity
- Exploring vocation
Existing Ministries
- Youth Group
- Camps: State Youth Games, Youth & Young Adults Camp, More Praxis Gathering
- National Christian Youth Convention Leadership Training
- Small Groups
- Retreats
- Mentoring
- 5pm SundayWorship
- Partnerships: Glen Waverley Secondary College, Brentwood secondary College, Habitat, Monash City Council
- Internships
- Social Justice Initiatives
- Social Networks & communication
- Specialized practices of faith: Confirmation, Baptism Outreach: Exposure trips, Kombi Krew, RAOK (random acts of kindness, initiatives)
- Creating and enabling Safe Platforms (to volunteer)
- Dinners & Documentary