Other Groups
Our congregation is made up of many other groups that contribute to the Christ centred community here at GWUC. Some of these include Choirs, Bands, Sporting Groups and much more! If you want to know more, contact the church office.
Newcomers’ Welcoming Group
A group established to help newcomers to the congregation ‘settle in’. Regular functions are held to welcome people to our congregation.
GOMERs (Grumpy Old Men and Early Retirees) is a group of men who meet at the church on Mondays at 9:15 for a short walk, and then at 10:00 for coffee/tea/hot chocolate and a chat afterwards. Some members choose to come only for coffee, and that is fine. A breakaway group now meets at Jells Park for a slightly longer walk around the lake, and coffee and chat at the park afterwards.
Adult Group
The Adult Group meet for lunch on the first Friday of the Month. There is no minimum or maximum age limit – everyone is welcome. The aims of the group are broadly:
- to provide a friendly place of contact in congenial surroundings, with activities centred on items of mutual interest.
- to be used as an avenue for newcomers to get to know church folk.
- to assist generally with church activities, eg. fetes, working bees, etc.
UCAF: Uniting Church Adult Fellowship
Adult Fellowship is the coming together of women and men in the church for a wide variety of spiritual, social, educational, recreational, service and mission support activities. Adult Fellowship meets on the first Tuesday each month except January and November from 10:00am until noon. Meetings start with a cuppa and include an invited speaker.
Families In Sharing Homes (FISH)
Small groups meeting mainly in homes, but also in parks and cafes, at a frequency determined by each group. Sharing food and offering friendship and support.
The Getaways are a casual group who “Getaway” for a weekend, or maybe only a day, to destinations that are never too far away from Glen Waverley – maybe 1 or 2 hours drive. If you enjoy camping, caravanning, cabin-ing or day trips you are more then welcome to join us. There are 2 Getaways each year – March and November. Stay for the weekend or just visit for a day. The weekends can be as busy or as quiet as you like. Some will go on walks or visit a market, while others will sit and read, knit or do craft, do crosswords or sleep!!! There are no rules and it is always a lovely time to sit and chat with old and new friends. We come together to share a meal (approx $10pp) on the Saturday of the weekend – sometimes dinner, sometimes lunch! All are welcome. Come when you can, leave when you must!
Tennis Club
The Tennis Club offers both competition and social tennis opportunities. Teams are entered in the Waverley and District Tennis Association competitions. Courts are also available for senior members on Saturday afternoons for social play, and for all members during the week.
Membership categories include:
Seniors, Juniors, Students and Mid-Week ladies. Family membership is available.
Table Tennis & Badminton Group
An enthusiastic group of social badminton players meet in the hall from 8pm until 10pm on Monday and Thursday nights. Table tennis is also available. Open to anyone who would like to play.
Free Spirit
Free Spirit is an all-age mixed group formed to sing contemporary Christian music, usually 4-part and often a cappella. Repertoire includes gospel, spirituals and traditional styles, plus some secular songs for concert use. Ability to read music an advantage. Practices are held on Wednesdays 8.00pm to 9.30pm.
A women’s choir for women who understand the experience of family violence or abuse.
Sing your way to health, relaxation and self-confidence! Make music to nurture your soul.
Have Fun! Make new friends.
Feel the health benefits of Singing– decrease stress, improve mood, improve breath control.
Increase your feelings of self-worth.
No singing experience necessary.
Friday 10am-12pm weekly in the Church Hall.
Share a coffee/tea and morning tea after rehearsal.

Patchwork and CRAFT GROUP
The Patchwork and Craft group meet 2nd and 4th Monday each month from 10-2pm. Stay the whole time or come and go. BYO Lunch.. Tea and Coffee provided. Cost $2. All are welcome.