Multicultural Ministry
The Glen Waverley Uniting Church has an Indonesian fellowship that worships at 1:00pm on the fourth Sunday of each month (including Holy Communion). Worship is followed by a late lunch. For more information contact Lucky Kalonta([email protected]).
Bahasa Indonesia
Gereja Glen Waverley Uniting memiliki persekutuan jemaat Indonesia yang beribadah pada pukul 1:00 siang pada hari Minggu keempat setiap bulan (termasuk Perjamuan Kudus). Ibadah dilanjutkan dengan makan siang bersama.
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi Bapak Lucky Kalonta ([email protected]).

English Conversation
English Conversation classes are held on Thursdays 11am-12 noon (during school terms) in Room 4. We have four tutors and one community helper. The co-ordinator prepares the roster and suggestions for topics, each term. Some tutors like to choose their own topics. Activities include games, reading, answering questions (orally and written) and speaking. There are usually between five and eight students.
We welcome feedback.
You can contact us through [email protected]