(03) 9560 3580 (Corner Bogong Avenue and Kingsway, Glen Waverley 3150) [email protected]

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Who’s Who

Our Ministers  – https://gwuc.org.au/about/ministry-team/

The Office Manager is able to help with day to day matters  – https://gwuc.org.au/about/contact/

Our Church Council, which has oversight of the congregation’s total life and mission – [email protected]

Worship Times

We worship at 10am, 1pm, and 5pm most Sundays.  Morning tea is a time to catch up for a chat after 10am Sunday worship. Also, look out for monthly light lunches.

If you can’t attend in person, some of our worship services are live streamed and are available to view anytime as podcasts.  Live Streams and Podcasts can be found from links on our website home page.

It’s always a good idea to check the ‘Latest News’ on the home page for changes and Special Events.

Finding Us

Our Worship Centre is on the corner of Bogong Avenue and Kingsway in Glen Waverley.  We are across the road from the library and an easy walk from Glen Waverley Railway Station.  There is more information and a map on our contact page.

 Use 10-12 Bogong Avenue in Google Maps.



We encourage members of the congregation to help keep things running smoothly.  If you would like to join in – see our rosters.


Our congregation is able to operate because of the generosity of our members who give as they are able.

Information about giving is found near the bottom of our home page.

Finding Out More

The Administration page gives an overview of how we operate.  More information is in a wiki called The Psalter.

FIND us on Facebook, FOLLOW us on Instagram, WATCH us on YouTube – links are at the bottom of this page.

What We Stand For

The foundational affirmations of Christian faith of the Uniting Church in Australia are found in the Basis Of Union – https://uniting.church/basisofunion/.  

For more information about the Uniting Church in Victoria see – https://victas.uca.org.au/.

The Glen Waverley Uniting Church operates in accordance with the Uniting Church Safe Church program – see  https://ucavictas.org.au/keepingchildrensafe/