(03) 9560 3580 (Corner Bogong Avenue and Kingsway, Glen Waverley 3150) [email protected]


We welcome all children from birth to pre-school age, accompanied by a parent or carer. We meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 10am-12noon each week of school term.

Our playgroups aim to:

  • Provide a safe, happy environment where young children can learn to play with others, participate in new experiences, meet other children and their  mothers and begin to follow simple routines.
  • Provide a friendly and supportive environment for parents/carersto exchange ideas an information and develop new friendships.

We sit down to morning tea together. Parents are encouraged to provide a healthy morning tea such as a sandwich or fruit for their children.

Tea and coffee is provided for parents/carers.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information or to arrange a visit.

Please note that we are a playgroup, not child care or kindergarten, so parents and carersare responsible for the supervision of their children at these times.

Enquiries: church office 9560 3580 [email protected]